Thursday, March 2, 2017

listen: i'm obviously not a conservative, and you're a buffoon if that's your take-away from this blog.

i'm a communist. ok?

if you're looking for an alt-right hero, i'm not going to be of much use to you in the long run. trust me on this point. it just happens to be that we're in a moment where the spectrum is flipped on immigration, and the so-called "left" is taking traditionally "tory" positions that benefit capital over workers under a veneer of faux humanitarianism, while the right is taking traditionally "left" positions that put the interests of workers ahead of those of capital.

i've deconstructed this already in this space.

further, the left has never supported "religious freedom"; it has always seen religion as a tool of control by capital. the fundamentally irreformable and intrinsically oppressive nature of religion was maybe the strongest point of agreement between marx and bakunin. "religious freedom" is always an oxymoron because all religion is always oppression. it is one of the points where liberals really expose themselves as nincompoops...

"i support the freedom to abide by a set of arbitrary rules and give away 30% of my income to a corrupt hierarchy that oppresses others based on identifiable characteristics!" - said no leftist, ever.

so, i mean, don't like what i'm saying if you want. that's fine. but, place me on the spectrum correctly, please: i exist on the extreme left, and in a culture where "liberal" means "tory" and "conservative" means "idiot". and, i've been clear to point out the genealogy, as well, so that you can look up where i'm coming from.