Wednesday, March 29, 2017

more broadly speaking, i actually think it's kind of important for queer people to declare their autonomy and pull themselves out of this kind of bourgeois coalition on the soft-left that is designed to co-opt their identity and assimilate it into something that aligns roughly with the hetero-patriarchy.

the queer movement used to be the most radical movement out there. we've lost that; we've been colonized by democrats and liberals that just want to warp us into a stable voting bloc. declaring our autonomy means escaping these conservative, christian/patriarchal ideas of marriage equality and labour rights. let the church have it's institutions; join the fight for universal health care, instead.

being queer used to mean something - it used to mean taking a stand against the establishment, of existing outside the rules and rejecting authority. we need to get that back.

we should be at the front of the anti-capitalist resistance, not complaining that some fucking church somewhere won't accept us, or that we can't get jobs working for the government.