Sunday, April 9, 2017

i don't have an interest in walking into conservative establishments, or upper class enclaves. i seek out radical people with radical viewpoints, and go places where i can reasonably expect people to have radical viewpoints as an expression of a culture that promotes the politics of the revolutionary left. that's a part of the fucking point of going out and talking to people - i'm looking for radicals by going to places where radicals ought to be. and, if these spaces are just full of poseurs that don't understand the politics of the music scene they're participating in, there needs to be some pushback on the point in getting them out.

if i'm going to an industrial night, for example, it had fucking better be full of anarchists and nihilists and atheists and open-as-fuck queers, because that's what the music is fucking about. and, if i'm somehow "subversive" in the crowd, it's a lame fucking crowd that's at the wrong fucking bar, dammit.