Friday, April 28, 2017

if trudeau wants a way out of this supply management fiasco - and don't fool yourself, he is not ideologically aligned with those that would uphold it - he may want to think about privatizing it, rather than abolishing it. and, he may find more support for this on the left than he thinks.

if you think the liberals are going to stand up for supply management, let's remember what happened with the wheat board:

but, don't misunderstand me when i talk about privatizing it. what the conservatives did with the wheat board - sell it to the fucking saudis - is just about the worst thing that could be done to dairy. what i'm talking about is spinning it off from government into an independent body.

see, i'd rather get the government out of it, too. but, the key point that people are missing is that the supply management system is not intrinsically tied to government. if the farmers want to maintain the system, they can always organize the system on their own. this would create a cartel, but it is a situation where a cartel makes sense and a cartel should be supported. i mean, if the farmers choose a cartel, how can the state prevent it from forming?

an independently run cartel would probably be more efficient, and those efficiencies would no doubt be passed on to the consumer.

i don't want to pretend that i have the background required to organize this. i just want to get the idea across that farmers don't need the government to manage the supply for them. if they believe in the system, they can take control of it and manage the supply on their own. and, that is where my ideological leanings actually lie.