Thursday, May 11, 2017

what the reaction to the comey fiasco truly demonstrates is just how feeble-minded and willing to prostrate to power it is that democrats and progressives truly are.

it was just a few weeks ago that this guy interfered in the election. people will make other arguments, but i don't agree: james comey is probably the single biggest reason that clinton lost. then, he makes a play on behalf of the pentagon and they're willing to rally around him, as though he's now on their side.

he was never on trump's side, and he's not now on the democrat's side. he was a pretend republican appointed by a pretend democrat; the only side he was ever on was the side of power.

and, by standing up for comey, you are standing up for power.

but, that's what you really want to do, anyways.

because you're a fucking tool.