Tuesday, June 20, 2017

i don't normally comment on the kardashians, but i just want to point out that i've run into this issue myself. people don't instantly know my genetic background, and i don't know how relevant it really is anyway, but if i meet somebody in march, they're likely to get confused by the time july hits, when i've darkened five or six tones. with me, it's really ridiculously dramatic. i'll go from pasty white to east african almost overnight. in fact, it's going to come up in the vlogs...

i've only been accused of 'blackface' once. it was around occupy. this white upper class dude noticed i was all of a sudden darker than an egyptian (she was clearly actually turkic.) woman, and accused me of blackface. but, nope - i was just out protesting in the sun all day. sorry.

but, i have memories my whole life of walking into classes in september and getting hit on by italian girls until roughly december, when i'd start getting hit on by polish girls, instead. it was the neighbourhood i went to school in.

so, you want to cut her a little slack on this one. skin colour isn't static, and those of us that are of mixed race often actually find it fairly malleable.
