Monday, June 26, 2017

i'll stick with coffee.

why don't i snort coke? it seems to confuse people. i've certainly been offered it enough times. people seem to intuitively grasp that i should like coke. and, yet, i don't touch it. ever.

i guess there was a time when i was an aspiring math student, and it just didn't strike me as a smart life choice. that's not really applicable any more. there's the addiction factor, and it's enough to give me pause, but it's not really at the crux of it.

don't get me wrong: i've seen people destroy their finances on coke. i've sat with people over night to try and keep them off it, only to find out they went back five minutes after i left. and, it makes people clique-y, too. cokeheads seem to think there are two types of people in the world: cokeheads and non-cokeheads. and, they don't want to be friends with non-cokeheads. that self-isolation is a part of the spiral of destruction that sets in. they push all the people that can help them away.

but, i realize that it doesn't hit everybody the same way.

how it were to hit me would likely be dictated by finances. i mean, i get this way with mere alcohol: if i budget myself for $20, and i go through it before the end of the night, i'm always always at the bank machine. but, i cannot think of a time in my life where i've woken up and gone to the liquor store after a night of drinking, either. so, my tendency is to binge as hard as i can over night, and then wake up and walk away from it in the morning. i've never had trouble doing that with any other substance, and don't think i would with coke. the concern is more about how much i'm spending in a given night.

ignoring the reality that i can't know what i'm snorting, and that it would be very dangerous to snort clorox or something, it might seem safe enough for me to try a hit here and there given that i'm usually poor and won't have access to that potential $200 blow night. but, then what?

i mean, it's a five minute buzz. if you're only going to take a hit or two, why not just run around in a circle until you get tired and fall over?

if i spend $20 on beer for the night, i'm drunk. all night. if i spend $20 on coke, i'm stoned for 20 minutes and just want more coke.

that's the actual reason i don't do coke: it's a rip-off. for what it does to you, in comparison to beer or pot or even coffee, a line of blow should cost something like $0.25.

...and, i've said this before: if i ever end up in a situation where i can drop $200 on blow for the night, maybe i'll try it. for now, i'll stick to the lower cost and higher yield options.

that said, i like the idea of very strong coffee. i've said this before: i would take shots of espresso late nights at the bar, if they'd only sell them to me. people snort because it's more intense for a shorter period; i'd rather sacrifice the intensity for a longer experience.