Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Many of the proposals, such as for digital economy and labour, resemble provisions of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that have already been agreed to by Canada, the United States and Mexico, so these elements should be pretty easy to add to a new NAFTA text. 

umm. no?

the tpp was written in a different context, altogether. and, it's proposals were deeply unpopular - especially the ones about intellectual property. there's an argument that trump got a crucial slice of the electorate by opposing it, even if it was clear from the start that he was full of shit.

i don't expect trudeau to put up much of a fight. the guy is a tool. we're going to need to raise hell on the streets, instead.

if you opposed the tpp, the next round of fighting is in opposing trump's proposed changes to nafta. let's start organizing, now.