Saturday, October 21, 2017

does she think she's not participating in colonialism, because she's not white? as though arabs don't have a history of colonialism and slavery that is as bad or worse than white colonialism? or as though the vast majority of cultural arabs, including this one according to my eyes, aren't white in the first place?

the reality is that she might very well know absolutely nothing about the history of islam, it's complicity in african slavery, it's history of conquest or it's violent colonial past - because she's a white canadian with a tenuous connection to her own roots who has been force fed a poorly generalized pseudo-academic theory that at best applies very narrowly to the descendants of african slaves in the southern united states.

if she's discriminating, it's on the basis of religion. that's the only reason this person thinks she's not as involved in white canadian colonialism as any other white eurasian immigrant - which is exactly what she is, and exactly what she's caught up in.

she's a hypocrite.

that said, she should not face academic penalties. she needs an education, not a punishment.

i don't know how she got that position. if she was voted in, due process will make her face her peers - although i might suggest that she should be pressured to resign. and, if she was appointed, she should be fired for misconduct.

but, that's not an academic penalty. nobody should feel comfortable about universities policing expression, regardless of their views on what she said. 
jagmeet singh must cut his beard.