Wednesday, October 4, 2017

i want to clarify, though, that the communications coming out of the ndp around this are not indicating that they understand the problem.

i mean, this is two beardos in a row, guys. c'mon. what are you thinking?

apparently, niki ashton is crying sexism - and my intuition is that she's on to something, but it's less of an anti-woman thing and more of a legitimate cult of male virility. there's a long history of this on the left.

to these people, the beard is some kind of show of masculinity. and, i don't even want to have that debate, i just want to reject the idea that i want the prime minister to be the fucking dos equis guy. why don't they just go get putin?

one of the things they're floating around is this idea that singh should win by default because his beard clearly annihilates trudeau's pirate goatee. but, guess what, guys? trudeau doesn't have the pirate goatee anymore - because his pr strategists identified it as evil, burned it off his face with a blowtorch and then buried the fumes at chalk river.

i tried to tell them with mulcair, too, y'know. but it was the same hipster bullshit.

i bet jagmeet singh would do wonderfully at a community council meeting in brooklyn. but, most people actually have a very strong dislike for hipsters.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.