Saturday, October 28, 2017

if i piss you off, it's because you're a conservative.

...because i'm the exact opposite of conservatism. and, i get it: i'm not naive about it. i'm fully aware that i'm the antithesis of any concept of conservative thought. i was even walking around a few years ago defining myself as an 'anti-conservative'.

i know my enemies, and my enemies are conservatives. actual conservatives. burkeans. traditionalists. religionists. monarchists. these are the people i have spent my life in conflict with, and will spend the rest of my life in continued conflict with.

even if you're a little centrist or even call yourself a liberal, this is what gets you about me: it's my disdain for anything resembling traditional thinking, my total rejection of the entire conservative rubric. you just might not realize it. yet. but maybe you should.

the flip side of this is that if you find yourself in agreement with me it's because you're actually on the libertarian side of socialism. i'm a liberal and i'm a socialist - and am therefore an anarchist. it could be either of them that's getting you nodding. but, you could be just as confused about this, too. you might call yourself something else. but, if you look at this carefully, you should see that if you agree with me at all, then you must be on the left.

i get that the left has moved right and become a fake left. but, the right hasn't moved left to compensate. it's pretended to sometimes, maybe, perhaps even signalled it's actually doing it, but we don't have any substantive outcomes, yet. we haven't switched spots. the vacuum on the left hasn't created a spot on the right. we've just seen the left collapse.

but, i'm not confused about this, even if you are.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.