Monday, November 6, 2017

denis coderre has been a longstanding example of what is wrong with the liberal party. and, valerie plante had a very forward thinking platform. it's maybe worth pointing out that the thing that requires the deeper explanation is how it is that he ever won in the first place - but you just have to take a look at his primary opponent in 2013 to figure it out. even so, he only got 35% of the vote - and the left almost split.

when i think of denis coderre, i think of paul martin. and, whether anybody likes it or not, this is still the narrative that defines so much of the canadian body politic: this struggle between business liberals and social democrats for control of the natural governing party.

i wish her luck, and hope her and her party can work out some of their longstanding goals to build a more modern, more sustainable city on the island of montreal.

but, let's not make this too much about her gender.

it probably wasn't.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.