Thursday, November 23, 2017

this is really necessary.

is it going to happen? well, this is the kind of thing that the conservatives will quash if they win in 2019 - or, at least, they have quashed this kind of thing in the past. but, are the liberals credible on this?


federal housing initiatives were something his father spent a lot of time on, and actually had some success on. it wasn't just the initial trudeau, this went back to the post-war period, when the anglosphere took a sharp turn left under the ultimate guidance of roosevelt. but, the elder trudeau spent a lot of time on this.

it's kind of the same story everywhere about everything: the progress of the post-war period was largely unravelled in the 80s and the 90s, by conservatives and liberals almost equally, and at all levels of government.

the provincial government in ontario - which is quite a bit to the left of most liberal parties in canada - has recently made a few tenant-friendly legal changes, but they're not the right level of government to really deal with this - it's either the city or the feds that usually deals with this.

i'd be more likely to suggest the liberals have some credibility on this if trudeau hadn't taken so many u-turns. and, this is something that might harm them for decades to come. they have more credibility on a national housing strategy than they do on most other things. but, right now, they don't really have any credibility at all - and it may be difficult to get some.

again: this is necessary. but, rather than make shiny new promises and make it seem like they're trying to fool us twice, maybe they might want to focus on keeping some of the ones they've already made.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.