Monday, December 25, 2017

this is an informed speaker, but what she's describing is the reason that there isn't a way forward in two states, and i think she's stated clearly that she realizes that. israel is indeed very concerned about this demographic problem. and, regardless of what diplomats at the united nations want to imagine exists on maps, regardless, the need for a civil rights movement is critical to prevent upcoming abuses in the name of solving this problem. it's really critical that the palestinians have a path to israeli citizenship, as their only hope is to find a way to be protected under israeli law.

these nationalist visions need to be renounced to a romantic past, all around. palestine is beyond an existential point of crisis. but, here's the thing: the palestinians are mostly genetic hebrews, right? there should be a national reckoning in a people coming to terms with itself as two related wholes, and a chance for it to work these debates out in academia. 

the palestinian leadership needs to be arguing for integration right now, not separation. it is their only chance at survival at all; if they resist for too long, they will merely fade into nothingness.