Tuesday, January 2, 2018

did you know that humans have the dna to understand magnetism, and therefore electricity, as a sixth sense?

i was just thinking about epi-genetics when i was going for a walk outside, and it is cold right now here, as i saw a series of cats cross my path - one very black, and the other very white.

i started to wonder if cats had the genetic ability to change their fur colour. i've never seen a cat actually do this. but, the white cat seemed strangely adapted to the snow, while the black cat seemed equally adapted for the night. i suppose the traditional explanation is that cats are born with variations in fur colour, and that the ones best suited to the environment survive. but, i'm not sure the laboratory conditions provide that as a clear explanation, as this population of cats is only semi-feral, and the snow here is actually unusual.

well, maybe the darwinian explanation isn't so lacking if you explore it carefully - you just have to accept a lot of coincidences, but then you need to have good luck to get the right mutations in the first place, right? let's explore other possibilities, without pursuing the need to debunk anything.

so, what if house cats can actually change their fur colour? the ability to change fur colour, often in winter, is a common adaptation of species descended from the common ancestor of the carnivore clade, and some species with older common ancestors, like rabbits, seem to have these genes, as well. they appear to be very old mammal genes. cats probably have them, cleverly inactivated around humans.

i started to wonder if humans may have even selected specimens of house cats that didn't utilize this adaptation, as it would be alarming to watch the cat transform - perhaps into an evil spirit. and, perhaps that evil spirit was somewhat real - perhaps the change in fur colour came with hormonal changes that made the animal more aggressive. perhaps. perhaps.

but, then, if something like that happened, your cat may have a special power that it isn't using, so as not to alarm you. we identify cats by their colours. they need to project a static representation of themselves to remain identifiable. they don't want to be changing their fur colours.

a semi-feral cat lost outside in a snow storm has a very different set of priorities, and one has to wonder whether the stress is enough to flip the switch.

it led me to thinking about humans, and this sixth sense that we have. we have this sixth sense because our ancestors had it - not our recent ones this geologic epoch, but our distant ancestors, before life moved out of the oceans. our ancestors could intuitively measure magnetic fields - think about that. and, why don't we have this ability any more? because it's an ocean adaptation. the utility of sensing magnetic fields through a liquid medium didn't transfer over to a gaseous one, the sense fell into disuse and, in the end, the more successful individuals were probably coincidentally born deficient of it. if you can imagine an existence so dark that eyes are so useless that the blind outcompete those that can see....

but, that truth might be eroding. our atmosphere is now full of magnetic fields, of our creation. how many humans have been born with this sense, and studied as mystical, or perhaps laughed at as delusional? it should happen from time to time as an error, or a mutation, whatever word you want to use. these people should actually exist. but, then, how many of us could flip it on, if we only knew which collection of hormones to concoct?

i don't know what we would realistically be able to do in reading a cell phone signal or transmitting wireless data. it may very well end up as a terrible way to interpret reality, full of indecipherable amounts of noise at strengths that produce pain. but, perhaps we can order the data quite well, and abstract it relatively easily. this is really an experimental question.

it's a different way to think about evolution, this realization that we have the history of billions of years of adaptations existing in our genetic codes, potentially ready to utilize under the magic chemical password. and it's a bit humbling to realize the power and the complexity of the genome.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.