Monday, January 15, 2018

well, it would clearly be the latter, wouldn't it, chantal?

it was easier for the opposition to frame the narrative when people got their news from the establishment media that it controlled. the old tory media that i speak of.

nobody under like 50 gets their news this way any more.

so, you can trot your outraged conservative talking heads out on to ctv all you want, nobody really pays any attention any more. worse, that syndicated op-ed piece in the globe and the fp and the ... has a paywall on it. oops. hey, huff post doesn't. but i want to watch something, let me search youtube.

the opposition media of the future might actually have to figure out what people actually care about instead of just feeding it into us, gramscian style. you can't manufacture consent amongst a population that has stopped listening to you. you actually have to adhere to the market.

we call that democracy.

maybe the tory media might want to try a little of it. or it can go bankrupt and be replaced. whatever.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.