Saturday, February 17, 2018

but, keep in mind, that i would argue that all religion - not just including, but especially islam - is inherently and irreversibly intolerant.

so, my idea of stamping out intolerance is not fighting for rights for muslims, but fighting against the influence of religious bigotry.

...which isn't to say that muslims don't deserve the same rights as everybody else, so much as it is to say that i don't accept the concept of "religious freedom" as anything more than doublespeak for the intolerance that comes packaged in religion.

i would consider myself more in the spirit of where these groups originated than the people on the ground are. and, i'm avoiding them precisely because they're not representing an anarchist left at all, but a post-modern authoritarian right.

the left doesn't stand up for religious rights, it fights to get rid of religion.

and, the left doesn't use the state as a tool to implement it's policies, it fights to eliminate the state altogether.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.