Thursday, February 22, 2018

no, i don't support giving teachers guns; i've been clear that i think this is a cultural problem, that will neither be solved by more guns or less guns (this is all supply-side economics...) but by changing how people think - by modifying demand.

but, america is stubborn. and, frankly, pretty stupid.

so, what are some better ideas than putting guns in schools?

1) apparently, one of the scenarios that comes up often is that teachers end up stuck in rooms, waiting for the shooters to come through the doors. what if they could lock the doors? tightly? wouldn't that help? at the least, it would cost a lot of bullets to get through the door.

2) i don't want cops in schools any more than i want teachers with guns. but, there are ways we can use technology to our advantage. if they had weaponized drones in strategic, but hidden, places, and a couple of trained operators, shooters could be taken out remotely. teachers could have emergency buttons to push that would set off alarms.

3) i've always wondered why nobody ever uses the sprinkler system in this kind of situation. it could very well be enough to neutralize a shooter.

i think what i'm getting at is that it's not hard to come up with better ideas than giving teachers guns...