Wednesday, February 21, 2018

there are two drugs that i have no patience for, and you shouldn't, either, and they are opiates and methamphetamines.

these are drugs that nothing good can come out of, and that the community needs to fight with every tool available.

and, affected communities will tell you that, too. i don't know what communities in canada are particularly affected by heroin. but, mr. singh better bring bodyguards, if he wants to spread his message to affected communities in the united states - and i suspect there are a few in canada that would be just as dangerous.

campaigning on legalizing crack in certain (mostly black) areas of the united states could very well get you murdered by concerned parents, who are just going to look at you like another dealer.

it's pretty much the dumbest, least populist thing i could imagine a politician doing.

if we can get marijuana passed, and i don't think it's happening, we could look at legalizing mdma next. access to safe mdma, which is harmless, would actually save lives, as it is difficult to find; almost all e on the market is some combination of cocaine and meth, which is in fact a deadly combination, and should be done by nobody.

legalizing mdma would be the most substantive policy - more substantive than marijuana, because nobody dies or otherwise gets their life ruined from bad or mislabelled pot.

another drug that could be legalized more or less immediately with minimal negative side effects is psilocybin.

there is a category in between, and it includes cocaine & lsd. you can hurt yourself on these drugs, but you probably won't. that makes them less like pot or mdma (which are less dangerous than aspirin) and more like alcohol. to be reflective of empirical evidence, the level of restrictions around alcohol, cocaine & lsd would need to be a little higher than those around marijuana, mdma or psilocybin.


but, don't even talk to me if you want to normalize heroin use.