Saturday, February 24, 2018

these polls that say voters care about the economy are 100% conservative propaganda. and, the write-ups are literally following a fifteen year old template.

we live in a globalized economy.

the government doesn't make four year economic plans.

i mean, it's not like i'm unconcerned. but, i know better than to think that government policy has any effect on the job market...or who i vote for in the ontario provincial election is going to make any difference in the shape or direction of the economy.

it would be less comical if the ndp was pushing it. but, the conservatives are supposed to be about free markets.

"we need strong economic managers to stay out of the economy, and lead the way in teaching ontarians how to get the government off their backs" - average conservative voter

it's not even something you can analyze. it's just incoherent. and, it's been that way for decades.

all they're doing is mindlessly repeating what they were told.

the old adage is that all politics is local, and this is especially true, here.