Thursday, March 22, 2018

grenier is always wrong. he shouldn't have his job, any more.

his weighted average of polls has been wrong, wrong and wronger for years. the reason is that he mixes up good polls and bad polls, which just has the effect of polluting the data. he includes every poll he can find under the argument that it's a crapshoot anyways, and then gets essentially what he assumes.

are the liberals in worse shape than before? i don't know. because i haven't seen any reliable polling. and, that's the actually correct answer right now - we haven't seen any reliable polling so we don't know where the numbers are.

when we finally do get some reliable polling, it could be shocking because you've been conditioned to a foregone conclusion by all this tory media propaganda. but, you shouldn't be shocked - you should just learn the lesson you won't learn, which is that online "polling" isn't polling