Sunday, April 8, 2018

there seems to be this strange idea in the anti-smoking literature that you can keep smoke inside.

and, i kind of need to ask these people: if you tell smokers to smoke inside with the windows closed, where exactly do you think this smoke goes?

do you think it disappears through some kind of black hole?

that it becomes one with the furniture?

the smoke is going to eventually escape. if the unit is newer, it will escape through ventilation units. if it's older, it will escape into neighbouring units.

so, why isn't the focus on ventilation? why don't you tell people to go smoke outside, in out of the way places?

there's a large & usually empty church parking lot across the street. that should be a designated smoking area.

and, again, i'll tell you why: it's because the anti-smoking initiatives in this province are not about health. they're about class.