Friday, April 13, 2018

you know, in canada we have a lot of data, because the society is so multicultural.

and, the numbers are correct - black students underperform everybody else. they underperform white students, east asian students, south indian students, arab students, eastern european students - they are dead last across the board on every metric.

and, most of our black students are not the descendants of slaves, either. they're not disproportionately lower class. they don't come from ghettos. they really start off with the same opportunities as everybody else, here.

so, why do they perform so poorly?

it's not aptitude. we've ruled that out.

i think the black community needs to look at itself - at it's role models, at it's culture. it doesn't uphold academic achievement, does it? it doesn't prioritize it.

and, where does this culture come from? it comes imported from american media, with the intent on constructing a certain kind of person.

and, this is the reality: middle class canadian blacks - the children of doctors and professors - are being niggerized by american media.

so, how do we push back on this?

it's not by attacking a woman that means well and has made positive changes, that's for sure.