Tuesday, May 1, 2018

it's less that ford's strategy is bad, and more that it's a lot more forward thinking than his detractors might imagine and that it actually needs more time than this to unravel.

ford might not win this election, or stick around to fight the next one. but, he might be laying the groundwork for the next fifty years of politics in the province. and, he might relegate the liberal party of ontario to the kind of upper class ivory tower that the lib dems live in, in the process.

the liberals really do need those immigrant votes. but, the immigrants are conservatives. #. 

...which isn't to give him too much credit: he's an effect and not a cause. but, if he can convincingly swing all these conservative immigrants, they might be very hard to swing back.

and, we might have little choice but to support the ndp to hold off the conservatives, everywhere outside of that ivory tower.