Friday, June 8, 2018

of course, for those that are a little slow...

john tory wanted to expand the separate school system to include pubic funding for other types of faith-based schools, most prominently funding for muslim schools. this was ripped apart mercilessly by dalton mcguinty, who may have been a hypocrite about it, but at the least took advantage of widespread opposition to public funding of the catholic school board. many people suggested at the time that he ought to take the next step, but he never did.

the green party is taking that next step by floating the idea of removing all funding for faith-based schools, which is the exact opposite of what john tory proposed - and what a large plurality of voters have wanted for decades.

we would probably end up with a small privately funded catholic school system, and we can only hope it withers away over time.

but, my position is that i support one secular public school system for everybody - which is the most popular position in this province.