Monday, July 16, 2018

i am an outspoken & unabashedly leftist indigenous queer person of colour on disability that has been speaking out against islam for years, under the concern that a society that normalizes islam would readily and perhaps even gleefully incinerate my rights, as it drags me out of my home and strings me up a tree.

and, i do believe that this is exactly what's happening with a number of these big rental companies.

i mean, i'm not sure what the precise reasoning is. is it my gender expression? my sexual orientation? the fact that i'm single? the fact that i'm an atheist? the fact that i'm disabled? my skin colour? my indigenous background? my politics? all of the above?

but, i don't have a choice but to prosecute anybody that is carrying out this kind of discrimination.

even if it does not directly harm me, monetarily.

even if the end result is that the company pays a fine rather than restitution.

this is exactly what i've been speaking out against, and i consequently must stand up for my rights.

i didn't want this fight, but i saw it coming, and i'm ready to fight it.