Friday, July 13, 2018

i'm really hoping the order comes in soon, because i'm going to need to show it to people when they ask for references.

i mean, generally, one uses their existing landlord as a reference, with the premise being that the existing landlord has good judgement. i'm going to understand why they're going to not want to give me a good reference, that's fine, i'm not going to argue the point. but, the argument i'm going to have to make is that the court found them negligent.

so, they can claim i'm the tenant from hell if they want, but the fact is that the court ruled in my favour, so clearly their perception is flawed - it is rather the case that this is the landlord from hell, and that the property is terribly managed.

and, this is what the court does - it gets in between these matters.

i'm sure i'll run into people that are likely to take the landlord at face value and ignore the court, or even interpret the court ruling with disdain; i should interpret that as a red flag, and these kinds of managers as people i don't want to rent from...

i have time.

i can wait.

i need to be aggressive when i see an end point, though.