Tuesday, July 3, 2018

so, what have i been doing?

this is the list for the court case on thursday:

i'm actually intending on playing this in court on thursday. or, some of it, anyways. it will start publishing, slowly, at midnight. i'll bring speakers with me.

i'm expecting to work this out in mediation - just give me moving costs plus something else -  but if it goes to trial it's going to be a long process. i essentially have to demonstrate how terrible my tenancy here has been, which means dragging the court through hours of painful vlogging.

it's not totally done, yet, but i'm going to have to stop at 2:00. i'll also need to print the journal tomorrow, which means i'll have to have it ready to print for the morning, along with whatever else

i'm going to set up a livestream for the front door in here on thursday, streaming to a site somewhere. and, i'll make sure to send anybody involved in any illegal evictions to jail, if necessary. i have no patience for that kind of idiocy.

the most important thing to me is my data, and i'll bring it with me. i have everything on video; i might be better off with a $50,000 settlement that i can use to rebuild. well, don't illegally evict people, then.

some stuff is starting to come up for august, but i've already run into the expected mindset on the phone: "that's not for more than three weeks.". this place is bonkers. but, i'll start looking much more seriously on friday.

given that i won't get a response until the end of next week, i wouldn't expect the court to issue an eviction date for august 1st. september 1st is most likely. but, the truth is that i won't know if i need to compromise or not until the last minute - which is just typical of how this place operates. you really wouldn't expect anything else.

i have found some acceptable spots, they just didn't work for a number of reasons - i didn't have the deposit available, i wasn't a student & an apparent relisting under a higher price with a company i'm boycotting for using illegal screening practices.

i'm due for some good luck.

i'll be quiet here until thursday, i'm sure.