Wednesday, August 1, 2018

at least i'm not missing any showings, today.

they're now claiming i'm two months behind, which is false.

july's rent was paid with my last month's deposit. this was required due to the nature of the existing market and the fact that they would have stolen the deposit had i not taken it. i simply needed the deposit back in order to produce a deposit elsewhere, but i likewise did not want to forfeit it, and fully understand that i would have.

i admittedly currently owe them a total of $700 for august's rent. but, i expect the ruling to be closer to $7000 than $700. once i see the ruling, we can deduct $700 from the total owing - and they will actually owe me money. quite a bit of it....

if the ruling is somehow for less than $700, i will pay the balance immediately.