Saturday, August 11, 2018

can i even put out an open letter to smokers, not just in windsor, but ontario more generally?

the rules in ontario around smoking inside have recently changed quite a bit. landlords now have the ability to insist that new tenants sign leases that prohibit them from smoking, even if they can't enforce it with old tenants. while smokers may think of this as a headache, it is actually in everybody's best interests to self-segregate around the habit.

while i cannot speak for other municipalities, there is clearly no deficit of landlords willing to rent to smokers in windsor. if anything, it appears to be difficult to find landlords that want to rent to non-smokers. i've found a few families that don't want smokers, but none of the management companies appear to care much about the issue at all.

i know that moving is annoying. but, if your landlord has decided that your building is now non-smoking, please understand that there are non-smokers that are having difficulty finding a place to live that is non-smoking - and plenty of options where smoking appears to actually be preferred. you will solve a lot of problems by relocating yourself to somewhere where you're more welcome, and allowing the space to open up for somebody that wants to follow your building's new rules.

a little bit of voluntary co-operation is going to work in everybody's interests.