Wednesday, August 22, 2018

we are about to lose our preferential trading status with the united states, because we tried to approach the negotiations as building a common front with mexico, who then stabbed us in the back, because they realized we were being fucking idiots about it.

any political leadership with the slightest bit of knowledge and experience would have realized that we should have gone into this trying to  isolate the mexicans.

and, why didn't we do it?

because trudeau didn't want to lose the votes of hispanics by appearing as though he was racist, which is an important voting block in california, but one that simply doesn't exist in canada. it's like 4%.

everything about this is utterly moronic. i screamed and yelled - look at my posts. but, there's little evidence that they have the slightest idea of what they've done wrong.

trudeau's individual lack of intelligence aside, what the fuck happened to the party?

and, if you're living in canada, it's hard to overstate the importance of this trading relationship. if trudeau goes down in history as the guy that ended free trade with the united states, that's going to create some pretty brutal biographies. that is an astronomical fuck up. and, from what i can see, it appears to mostly be his own fault.

that's one example.

i'm not writing this essay right now. but, there's a lot of examples. and, it's becoming clear enough that the more time you give him, the more examples he'll create.

i never thought he'd be making decisions - i never thought he'd be the decider. he was reading fucking cue cards at the debates. he seemed totally scripted. i would have voted for mulcair, if i knew the party was going to bail, or be purged, or whatever happened - and that isn't yet at all clear.