Sunday, September 2, 2018

again, let us understand the costs associated with me renting a room.

the room itself is going to be in the $400-500 range. but, then i need to put my things in storage, which is another $300-400.

so, the total costs of getting a room are not $400-500, but $700-900 - which is the price of an apartment in the first place.

further, if i get to the point where i am placing my items in storage, that is going to be the last straw for windsor. i'm already fed up with this place: it is culturally dead, unremittingly filthy and rapidly being taken over by muslim conservatives, who seem to have the full backing of city council, and the tacit support of the dwindling christian right. i'm searching every nook & cranny for a healthy, affordable, queer-friendly, artist-friendly place to exist. & it's increasingly clear that it doesn't exist here.

so, if this happens, if i put my things away, i will have already given up on this town - and be looking to get out.

i'm going to see something tonight, but it's low probability. and i'll have to decide over the next week whether i want to buy time with an appeal or not.

i don't think it's worthwhile.

& i want to escape from this filthy space, not put up barricades to stay longer.