Monday, September 17, 2018

donald trump could very well see himself facing a militant, pro-war, neo-liberal democrat that wants to ramp up the war(s), strengthen nato, resurrect the tpp, bring back nafta, etc.

and the neo-liberals are sitting there in their business suits and don't understand why i wouldn't want that, or why so many americans wouldn't want that.

there's still some bad sides to trump, no doubt. but, a lot of it is actually more about congress. so, one of the biggest arguments in favour of voting for clinton was the supreme court. but, if the congress can drag the process past the midterms, it may be a democratic majority that gets the final say. what would immigration reform look like with a democratic congress? &etc.

i'd obviously rather see the democrats run a left-wing option that wants to....that wants to carry through what trump has started on a lot of these points, to better conclusions than trump could. a bernie sanders, for example.

but that simply isn't likely.

and, if you made me choose, i'd probably pick trump as a lesser evil over a lot of the party's more likely candidates, on the issues that i actually care about.