Saturday, September 8, 2018

i'm still not sure if the gatekeeper is crazy or crooked, but i think i've had enough of this game. and, he played his hand, whether he realized it or not.

he has three units in the building. he seems insistent on renting the smallest one to me, indifferent or disinterested in the fact that i have the cash for the larger space, and need it for my gear. the smaller space is simply too small. and it's less than $489. i have up to $800 to spend on rent. so, why would i settle for something for less than $489? if i was going to go for a small space, i'd get something nicer for twice the price! but, that's not what i want. the point of this exercise is to get a big, affordable space that i can create in, not a small, cheap space that i can save cash in. i don't need the cash. i won't spend it. and, i don't have anything to save it for. should i sent it back to the government?

"sorry. didn't need this."

the attic unit is also open, but there's a smoker on the patio below it, and the place reeked. so, we avoided the legal discussion, because i turned the place down outright.

that's not the real point, though.

he claims the basement unit is rented, but i suspect it is actually flooded from the rain storm last week. i asked him about that initially, and he denied it. now he's claiming there's a plumbing issue.

i'm not completely convinced he's crooked, but i'm convinced he's withholding information, and not particularly keen on it.

it was the basement i wanted, but not if it's going to flood.

i'm not mad, i'm frustrated.

i'm going to nap a little and start fresh in the afternoon.

for the rest of the weekend, the appeal is a more pressing priority than apartment looking.