Monday, September 10, 2018

it is no surprise at all that doug ford thinks he's above the law, and that the rules don't apply to him.

so, as frightening as this is as a tone issue, it's absolutely expected.

you should expect this kind of corruption and abuse of power from this government. daily. 

the notwithstanding clause is largely meant for national security issues. you have to remember that canada didn't have a constitution until 1982, so the various governments were apprehensive about signing away too much power. trudeau actually pointed out that the constitution was a consequence of the october crisis, but a lot of people at the time were wondering why he gave in to the bleeding hearts - and what would happen if they couldn't restore order by force.

this kind of frivolous use is unheard of. but, we elected a buffoon, and we need to expect him to act like one.

fwiw, i have little interest in how many city councillors are elected in toronto.