Tuesday, November 6, 2018

i didn't get started on this again until after midnight, so i only picked up a few things.

so, the coffee machine is about 0.18. i've never noticed it as a problem, previously.

the 150 W bulb is the 3:00 reading, suggesting it's about 0.15 if run alone. i think a 0.01-0.02 fluctuation is acceptable noise. this is far too much for one light, either way - and is consistent enough.

and, it would seem as though the fan is running at 0.1/hr or so. this is kind of an unavoidable cost, i was more interested in getting the fan alone so i can get a clean reading on the heat lamp.

i measured the fan with the heat lamp & the fan with the led this morning, which i'll be able to compare tomorrow afternoon.