Monday, November 19, 2018

it should be absolutely obvious that this is not my site, as the interest list is not remotely similar to anything i would demonstrate an interest in. stated bluntly, i absolutely despise everything about hip-hop. i think it's the personification of the decline of western society, and i'm never going to change my mind about it.

insofar as youtube is concerned, deathtokoalas is a dead handle. i will not be resurrecting it. if you see it jump up elsewhere, be confident in realizing that there is almost no chance it is actually me. and, if it is me, you should be able to link to it from this page, somehow.

surely, i must be typing on youtube somewhere, secretly? i'm not. and, the reason i haven't been utilizing youtube as a platform recently is because i don't like the interface anymore - something i was upfront about when they separated the interfaces. when youtube cross-linked to google+, it made sense to use it as a social networking platform, because comments by heavy users like myself would crosslink back to a profile that could likewise link out to a store (in my case, bandcamp). now that the platforms are no longer integrated, commenting on youtube is like typing into a black hole - it's just another anonymous comment, buried in the thousands of others. it's a waste of time.

nor am i easter-egging - i'm centralizing this because i want to make it easier to find my writing. i want everything accessible from one place so that nobody has to wonder whether it's me or not; i don't want this ambiguity, or these question marks.

but, i had somebody steal my handle on twitter, too, and i really don't get it. why do people feel the need to steal handles or set up fake profiles? get your own fucking handle.

so, i'd like to make a public request that whomever set this profile up either delete it or change the name on it, please.