Friday, November 23, 2018


you get up and go to work every day, and what do you accomplish? did you ever even think of it like that, or question why you're doing it? or are you just a completely brainwashed, complete fucking idiot that does what they're told because they're told to?

there have been empirical studies on this, and the conclusions are crystal clear: it's impossible to get ahead by going to work. you may end up paying into a mortgage rather than paying into rent - a triviality, at the end of the day. it really doesn't matter what you do, whether you're a janitor or a doctor, you're going to end up busting your ass for nothing of any tangible value. there are obvious reasons why a capitalist society will enforce the sanctity of wage/slave labour, but the actual reality is that it's all just a stupid waste of time, and you're hopelessly stupid to buy into it.

but, working hard at something like a court case against corruption in the police force or the asshole actions of an asshole property owner has the potential for a substantive, tangible payoff that is worth the labour put into doing it. whether it pays off or not, that is labour that is worth applying yourself towards - it is not a waste of time, and not stupid.

and, there's a mirror test here in how you react to this. can you see yourself in the mirror properly? do you understand that you're a slave? or, are you just a brainwashed dipshit that will happily saw their own leg off and give it to the company to sell at a profit, if the boss demands it?

i didn't create this system, but i live in it and have to navigate it, and i'm not going to lobotomize myself for the sake of fitting in. i'm happy to live on very little, but i refuse to waste my time in the workforce. so, i'm going to have to do what the system necessitates i have to do in order to avoid being a miserable slave, or worse. sorry.

if you don't like it, join me in fighting to change the system - or don't. just be a pathetic slave and refuse to realize it. whatever.