Monday, November 26, 2018


these projections have been being made for decades - the fossil fuel era is coming to a close. supplies are dwindling, making continued extraction using expensive methods uneconomical in the face of cheaper next-gen technology. consumer demand is shifting to more ecological choices in the face of impending climate disaster. and, increasing levels of inequality are shattering the middle class and making automobiles a luxury, rather than a norm.

the government in alberta has known this for decades, and ignored it. they have only themselves to blame for the situation they are in.

the government in ontario tried to adjust, but ended up with their hands tied by a combination of restrictive global trade policies, a lack of investment by the federal government and a population turned hostile by the ramifications of the former. we should have been a market leader, here. we still can be. but, if we don't adjust to the changing economy, and the existing government is unlikely to do so, then we will have nobody to blame but ourselves. for all their stale rhetoric about market theory, they're more likely to stand up and blame the job losses on "eco-terrorists" then they are to adjust to the market. they may even deflect by blaming the carbon tax.

and, it's time for the trudeau government to put some of it's rhetoric into action. if it continues to maintain the status quo in order to support the rise of canada as a petrostate, in the face of all evidence suggesting that this is delusional, as it has done, then it will only have itself to blame for it's collapse. their own policy wonks saw this coming. they presented solutions in their platform. they can't pretend they've been blindsided; they need to accept they were right the first time, and do what they said they were going to do, in the first place.

they should bring stephane dion back and put him in charge of a special task force on transitioning the economy.

and, if all of these people do nothing, or insist in turning back the clocks at the behest of the rest of the planet, they are going to preside over a collapse they were warned of, and did nothing to prevent - and be correctly held responsible by history for it.