Wednesday, December 19, 2018

so, what are the tactics?

as always, the conservatives have to split the vote, somehow. they'll probably get less than 35%.

the liberals need to find a way to prevent vote splitting on the left, while holding enough moderates to keep the conservatives down. but, the primary fight is always to their left, not their right.

the ndp may want to give up altogether - and, in fact, a large number of incumbents are not running. the ndp are not even seeking the balance of power, right now - they're in a fight for party status, this election.

and, the greens need to be finding a way to build a broader tent on the left, to take advantage of the ndp's decline. if the liberals can be reduced to a minority, however small, they have some chance at gaining the balance, this election. five or six seats in bc could be all they need, if there's enough of a bloc surge in quebec.