Sunday, December 9, 2018

this is a political document, and the reaction to it in canada is political, with the pseudo-left embracing it (as consistent with multiculturalism) and the right rejecting it (because they're racist).

and, i actually think the broader pushback should be at the united nations. the un should realize that if they're going to produce political documents then it's going to produce political reactions. then, they scold people for misrepresenting the information. but, why do they waste so much time on these non-binding resolutions that just end up as dubious talking points, in the first place?

so, i don't see any use in opposing it or supporting it, because it's not of any consequence, either way - it's just a political statement.

that being said, what we need is an agreement that makes it easier to deport people by facilitating greater communication between existing states. we've created a situation where people expect to show up at a stranger's door and be sheltered and fed - and that is a problem that we need to find ways to effectively reverse. there has to be a more efficient way to facilitate the return of rejected migrants to their source countries, in order to minimize the amount of time that they're being kept in poor conditions, awaiting deportation. and, this might be a step in that direction.