Friday, January 25, 2019

ok, so i'm officially uncomfortable with sanders' age. the question mark in 2016 was about two terms. i can't imagine him serving until 2024. so, if you're going to be voting for the vp, why not just do it directly?

and, i'm worried he's going to split the vote.

so, i want a younger candidate. but, who else is there?

i've already ruled out warren. biden is a non-starter. see, but the thing is that i know their politics, they're understood quantities. the others are less clear.

i'm willing to listen to kamala harris, but she doesn't strike me as being very "progressive". that's a first impression. i'll give her a chance.

i'm a little uneasy with tulsi gabbard's history regarding social issues - she has a history of running as a social conservative - and would be hard-pressed to actively support somebody with military credentials. i think that civilian control of the presidency is kind of paramount. i haven't ruled it out, but it's unlikely.

kristen gillebrandt's takedown of al franken was shameless, and she's consequently a non-starter, in my view.

i'v historically supported people like sanders, kucinich, nader....even jello biafra. that person is currently not on any radar i've seen....