Thursday, January 10, 2019

so, the debate is over whether heroin is entering the united states via the mexican border or via shipping ports.

"these guys don't tell me anything" - ronald reagan, when asked about iran-contra.

latin america is not generally seen as an opiate producer, but is rather known for producing stimulants, most notably cocaine. i'm not exactly privy to any secret knowledge, here. but it would be news to me to hear about poppy fields in columbia.

rather, it's widely understood that virtually all opiates in the united states originate from afghanistan.

it's hard to know how much of the whole thing is disingenuous theatre, but if the president really wants to get to the bottom of where the heroin is coming from, he's going to have to ask some difficult questions to the people around him.

there aren't any harrimans left are there?