Monday, February 18, 2019

and, in fact, the lawsuit is even more frivolous than i thought, because the president isn't even authorizing new funds, but redirecting them.

what trump is actually doing in his executive order is redirecting funds from the drug war to the border wall. the lawsuit is claiming that this is a presidential usurpation of the public purse; but, these funds are already allocated. so, their argument is actually even technically wrong.

i don't actually think that the courts would have had the jurisdiction if what they were saying was even true. but, as it is, what they're saying isn't even true in the first place...

the congress should be able to block this without the use of the courts, and it clearly has the numbers to do it, based on the bill that necessitated it. if they're serious, they'll invoke their own authority, which is a proper constitutional use of power.

the only constitutional crisis here is the potential use of judicial overreach to overturn executive power. but, the judiciary will excuse itself; if it does not, that is where the problem lays.