Saturday, February 2, 2019

no, you scientifically illiterate idiots.

the polar vortex is neither evidence for nor against global warming, but an isolated event that is occurring independently of the slow increase in global temperatures. it is variation in the climate system. and, it is driven entirely by the sun.

...except to point out that the premise that the media hoopla is based on is actually wrong: the effects of the polar vortex on mid latitudes is not increasing, but decreasing. we're not experiencing colder winters, but warmer ones.

the climate models point out that we should be seeing weaker winters, on average. and, those models are absolutely correct - our winters are getting shorter and less intense. and, this is the consensus view amongst climate scientists: our winters will continue to get shorter and less powerful, over time.

but, again: i'm not arguing with the science. the science agrees with me, or, to be more succinct, i'm simply stating the science.

what i'm arguing with is click bait by the "liberal" media, which is ultimately not helping the movement against the oil industry, by publishing dubious articles that damage their own credibility.

so, to recap. and i'm done with this until next year:

1) the polar vortex is a strictly solar phenomenon that has nothing to do with global warming.
2) our winters at the current solar minima have been less intense than they were in previous solar minimas. that is, the polar vortex is retreating, on the longer scale.
3) the polar vortex is retreating on the longer scale due to global warming - which will lead to shorter, less intense winters.
4) that said, as we are at solar minima, our current cold blast is a consequence of the solar cycle. and, if the sun has an extended minima, this could slow down global warming, with exaggerated effects in the northern hemisphere.
5) the media is pushing a series of strawmen, false dichotomies and red herrings around the topic that are merely serving to confuse the fuck out of people, for clickbait and ideological purity.

you're no doubt horribly confused. that's a shame.