Sunday, February 24, 2019

they're probably waiting for the federal election.

there's a chance the conservatives could roll it back if they win. or, they may be trying to steal the thunder.

i don't smoke very often - it's been nine months since i last smoked a joint (on purpose), and i've been completely straight-edged over that period, as well. no cigarettes, even. just a lot of coffee. i pointed out from the start that i was going to be more excited about dispensaries opening up in detroit, because the only time i like to do drugs is at concerts, and that's where the concerts are. so, being able to go to detroit and buy something on the way to the show is very emancipating, but buying pot in canada has never had the same kind of appeal.

if i lived in a different city, it would be different, of course.

so, i should be more upset about this than i am.

i'm going to warn people not to buy online, though. you're probably setting yourself up for something.