Friday, March 29, 2019

i previously wrote off religious communities refusing vaccination as "natural selection", but i was talking about a disease with a low mortality rate; i wasn't entirely serious. regardless, the point was that you need to quarantine them if they won't accept science, and you need to strenuously enforce it.

further, that was a comment directed at an entire community that lives in isolation from the outside world. i may abstractly support mandatory immunization, but there are limits of common sense - if a community is willing to barricade itself in the woods, and potentially even shoot at health workers, you at some point need to weigh whether it's worth bringing the army in, and it might be, but it probably isn't.

this is something else. in a situation like this, when the doctor is aware that a specific, individual child is at risk, and has actionable data to act upon, he is absolutely morally obligated to intervene with as much force as is necessary. children are not the property of their parents, and we share a collective responsibility to intervene when the parents are negligent or incompetent.

i support the actions of the doctor, here, and i hope the child is placed in permanent guardianship, so that this horrible woman cannot hurt it any more.