Tuesday, March 19, 2019

see, in justin trudeau's warped and shrunken pre-adolescent benetton faux liberal pea brain, when a muslim stands on a pulpit and attacks jews and queers and calls for the annihilation of infidels and the subjugation of women and the enslavement of blacks, that is a diversity of opinion - which underlies our strength, as a nation.

however, when a jew or a queer or a woman or a person of colour pushes back against their hateful tirades, that is toxic and deplorable and should be censured.

in the end, we end up supporting hate speech in the name of suppressing it, and advancing hate in the name of reducing it. this is indeed the era of orwell....

but, as i've pointed out repeatedly, and the evidence seems to be mounting in favour of, the reality is that this analysis is giving the man far too much credit. the actual truth of it is no doubt that this guy simply lacks the cognitive ability to work through this kind of contradiction, and is resorting to the doublethink out of a feeble deficit of intellect rather than a downwards enforcement of brainwashing. this is no doubt less some kind of elaborate psy op and more just a completely naive, total idiot.

if he were to wake up one day and see a group of muslims stringing a bunch of people up a tree on his front lawn, he'd no doubt just conclude they don't understand each other well enough and require more face time together. the problem isn't an ideology rooted in hate, it's just a lack of community and fraternity. they just need to sit down and worship together.

as i've said repeatedly: the only difference between a muslim and a klansman is the colour of their hoods, and they need to be treated the same way.