Saturday, March 16, 2019

so, am i going to support this government or not?

this government wants to present itself as representative of the younger generation; it wants to be the millennial-focused government, the future of the country. but, in doing so, it is modelling itself on the obama administration, which was anything but the future of the united states. rather, what we have before us is a government rooted in the values of generation jones.

this is a government that is solely about appearances, and how it looks compared to those around it. they're all about keeping up with the jones'.

but, what i'm jonesing for is some substantive policy fixes, not a caretaker government that is essentially an extension of the previous one. in the long run, we may find ourselves talking about the harper-trudeau years - as we talk about the bush-obama years, or even the reagan-clinton years.

i may insist on distinguishing myself from young people by adopting a gen x identity, but this is not what young people voted for. at all.

the conservatives are hardly a solution, and the ndp haven't addressed any of the reasons why i've tended to prefer the liberals in the first place; if anything, they're less appealing today than they were four years ago. i am not likely to vote for either party.

i would like to vote for the liberals, and i may wade in from time to time to support them on some issue that they've historically taken the right position on, but i want a change of leadership and direction in the party, and will probably abstain from voting at all in this election, unless the green candidate convinces me to actually go out and cast, even if it's merely in protest.

that is the choice in front of me at this point: greens or bust.

i will not be voting for a trudeau-led liberal party; i want him to step down.