Wednesday, March 27, 2019

to be clear on this point: rachel notley is considerably less evil than jason kenney, but there are not many people that can compete with mr. kenney in terms of diabolical intent. i complain a lot about the restricted spectrum in the united states, but alberta's spectrum may actually be the worst in the hemisphere; albertan voters are really being forced to choose between a lesser catastrophe, more so than even a lesser evil. it's just an absolutely depressing array of options.

the polls suggest that notley has little chance of competing with a newly unified right and that kenney really needs to just shut up in order to be elected in a landslide. so, why is he out there promoting stupid bullshit like this when he doesn't have to be?

the polls are bad. very bad. but, if notley has any chance at all, it may be in kenney's incompetence overpowering his insanity, and in his megalomaniacal instincts overpowering whatever deficit of good sense is lurking in his depraved mind. he's laid his cards down when he didn't have to.

do albertans really want to elect doug ford?

and, where is the outrage from liberals on this topic, anyways? this is exactly the kind of hateful extremism that the charter exists to stamp out. the premise of weaponizing human rights legislation against a marginalized group is beyond orwellian doublethink - it is evil. and, it must be resisted as strenuously as possible.

there's currently no reason to think the ndp have much of any chance in the upcoming election - unless kenney effectively talks his way out of power.

so, let him speak.

and, listen carefully, alberta. are you sure you want this?